1. Dragon Strike

Imagine a swarm of dragons swooping through the sky, smashing through rocks and setting castle walls ablaze all on your home screen. This is the kind of action Dragon Strike brings to your Android device. The conflict on display here would not look out of place in a video game, and it’s so epic that the settings screen contains the option to enable background music. How often do you see that in a live wallpaper?

2. The Nebulander

The Nebulander isn’t action-packed like many of the others on this list, but it still knows how to get the blood flowing. There’s a sense of wonder and adventure captured here, from watching new planets pass by to diving down through the atmosphere and leaving the ship behind. It has an imaginative, steampunk feel, and optional touch controls give you influence over what happens on-screen.

3. Pixel Fleet

Pixel Fleet looks like a real-time strategy game, and while it’s a tad more passive, it’s still exciting. You watch as ships from competing clans wage war on each other, and the wallpaper will even keep score. The war may never end, but you will always be able to tell who’s winning.

4. Space Colony

Space Colony is free of combat, but it’s still possibly the most graphically intensive live wallpaper on this list. The camera pans out between various skyscrapers spread throughout a futuristic colony, with gas clouds and ships passing by overhead. Swiping through home screens will send you to different parts of the colony, and if you look carefully enough, you can even see the surface of another planet looking down on you.

5. Stickman Wallpaper

Stickman Wallpaper is the most amusing option on this list. You pick an environment and watch stick men try to tear each other apart. They will use whatever tools are available to them, ranging from swords and axes to light sabers and armored vehicles. Some will even try their odds with just their hands and feet. Just be warned – this one can get a bit graphic.

Don’t Worry, There’s More!

These are five of the most exhilarating live wallpapers I’ve come across in the Play Store, but there are many more where these came from. Some are just as intense, whereas others are quite relaxing. Many are simply beautiful. The home screen is one of the things you will see most often when interacting with your Android device, so why not spice it up? The options available in Google Play are growing by the day.