Mobile Interface

After launching the app you will be prompted to sign up for a new Chomp account.

After signing in you will be presented with the main apps page.

Here you can browse through some of the major app categories that Chomp sorts the apps into. These app categories include the following:

Musical Instruments On Sale News Social Networking TV What’s New Fun Games Photo Productivity Texting Chat Wallpapers

Clicking on an app launches the page for the app.

However, unlike AppBrain or the Android Market, you can easily flick through the apps in that app category (this is the “TV” category). There are also a number of other functions as indicated in the diagram. You can choose to filter your apps by price or category, search through related tags or focus on the app itself. The small “i” icon displays more information about the app.

The best thing about Chomp is clearly its reviewing system. For example, if you click on “Read All“, all the new comments for the app are displayed.

If you click on the heart or broken heart symbols, you will be able to rate the app.

This is a great way to push up the good apps while ensuring that the apps that are of poorer quality do not show up in the results. When you choose to install the app, click on “Get It” and you will be redirected to the Android Market installation page. If you would like to rate your current apps, from the main page select Menu -> My Apps.

Web Interface

If you feel more comfortable browsing the Android apps on your computer, you can do so on

The basic information displayed here is the same as it is on the phone. However, you will notice that both Android and iPhone apps are shown together. This can be a little problematic since you can’t install an iPhone app on your Android device obviously. Fortunately, there are little Android and Apple icons to help differentiate between them. Clicking on “Free” takes you to the installation page for the app in the Android Market web store. Clicking on the title of the app takes you to the apps dedicated page.


Chomp used to be exclusively on the iOS App Store until it was recently ported to the Android Market. Fortunately, much of the functionality that made the app popular on the iOS platform has been retained in the Android version. Essentially, what Chomp does is learn what type of app a certain app is. For example, it may be a productivity app and even though the word “productivity” is used nowhere in the app title, description or metadata, it shows up when you search for it. This type of functionality is incredibly useful when you are looking for a certain app but you don’t know its name.