While there are applications offered at a low price, most of them are offered for free. Even though you can access those free apps anytime you like, it will take much of your time reinstalling all of them should your iPhone fails. The point is, why should you spend a day of two trying to remember and figure out what the apps you previously used when you can have them back in few clicks? I believe that most of us agree that backing up our iPhone data is one of the most important things we cannot afford to neglect. I have written an article on how to manually back up your iPhone apps but a lot of people cannot seem to follow as it is a bit complicated especially for a new users. So, this article will walk you through on how to back up your Cydia apps using PkgBackup.

PkgBackup Overview

This iPhone app is offered at Cydia for $3.99. The price is just low enough considering that it offers a very good backup service for your apps. It is developed by Jibril Gueye of Pragmatix Consulting and sponsored by Big Boss.

PkgBackup Installation

The installation is straightforward and simple. It’s just like you are installing any other apps from Cydia only that you have to purchase this package before you do. I will perform a step-by-step installation so that new iPhone users may find it even easier. Step One: Launch Cydia and tap on “Sections” tab located below your screen.

Step Two: Found inside Sections is the “Utilities” option, tap on it to open.

Step Three: There will be a list of packages under Utilities. Try to search for PkgBackup, and tap on it to open the package.

Step Four: As mentioned earlier, you have to purchase this package to continue using it. You can find a “Purchase” button at the top-right corner of the screen. Tap on it to continue with the purchase; currently, it is offered $3.99.

Step Five: After the purchase, the “Install” button appears in the location where you found “Purchase” button.

Step Six: And of course, every installation needs confirmation, so just tap on “Confirm” button to proceed with the process.

Step Seven: Now tap on “Return to Cydia” button.

Backing Up Your Cydia Applications

After you’re done installing PkgBackup, you will be able to see its icon from your Springboard. If you are ready, you can follow these steps to back you app packages up. Step One: Launch PkgBackup from your Springboard. Step Two: Once it’s opened it will automatically scan and detect all of the packages installed in your iPhone. It may take a little while depending on the number of apps installed.

You may tap on the small arrow to view the list of all active packages in your iPhone.

You can choose specific apps that you don’t want to include in the backup process from the list.

Upon choosing a specific app, you can toggle the ON/OFF button.

Step Three: If you are ready to proceed with the backup, you can go back to PkgBackup main screen and simply tap on “Backup” button. Moreover, should you want to keep your layout, toggle Include Layout button to ON. The backup process may also take a little while to complete depending on the number of packages installed in your iPhone.

Step Four: When the backup process is completed, you will be prompted with a reminder to sync with iTunes; you must do as advised. Tap on “OK” button and sync your iPhone with iTunes. Make sure that backup is completely performed during the syncing process as this is the only key you can restore your previous packages.

So far, that’s how backup is performed using PKGBackup. Supposing you have restored or upgraded your firmware and all of you Cydia apps are gone, you simply have to restore the backup you made with iTunes.

That’s your starting point in restoring all of your Cydia apps that you have backed up with PKGBackup.

Restoration of Cydia Apps

Of course, when all the data in your iPhone are wiped out, you’ve got to reinstall PKGBackup; just follow PKGBackup Installation guide at the beginning of this article. When everything is set and ready, please proceed to the steps below. Step One: Launch PKGBackup to begin. It will automatically detect new packages installed in your iPhone as well as the previous apps that you’ve backed up.

You can tap on the small arrow to choose specific packages that you want to include or exclude during the restoration process.

Step Two: When everything is ready, tap on “Restore” button from the PKGBackup main screen to begin the restoration of your Cydia apps.

Step Three: It may take time downloading and installing all the Cydia apps, so you need a little patience. Let your iPhone do what it has to do and wait. When all the apps are restored, you will be prompted that it is done and that you need to reboot your iPhone. Do as instructed.

Once your iPhone is up, all of your Cydia apps are restored (except for those you’ve excluded).

I hope this tutorial can help you back your apps up. Don’t hesitate to leave your comments, reactions and suggestions. Image credit: Yutaka Tsutano