For example, a simple Google search for “Spain vs. Netherlands” or similar will let you watched an abridged version of the match, courtesy of FIFA. You’ll also get to see all the match stats, which is another great addition.

The only downer is that you can’t watch the highlights directly on the Google homepage. You’ll have to head over to, but that’s only a small price to pay for quick and free access to the match highlights. Moreover, you don’t need any kind of subscription or membership to watch the highlights, so for all of you who aren’t tethered to one of the sports broadcaster’s packages, you’ll still be able to follow the World Cup via Google Search.

And, luckily for many, it works on desktop, smartphones and tablets, so no matter which device you want to watch a part of the match on, you’ll still be able to navigate to Fifa’s website, and catch up on what you missed the first time around. Hopefully, the FIFA 2014 World Cup will live up to all its hype and continue to deliver the exciting, heart-stopping action we all love of the game. Which team are you supporting?