Kadaza is a more visual homepage. It works in a similar way as many of the others, but adds a little bit of flair. It looks pretty simple, but it has a lot of variety; over 25.000 different preset sites. The best part is, there is no account to sign up for. To start out, go to http://kadaza.com you will see the standard start page. The page will have 24 different logos for popular sites. To go to the site, click on the logo. Pretty straight forward stuff.

You will also see 22 other categories to the left. By choosing one of these categories, you will see logos that have to do with travel or career or dating.

When you are in a category like photo for example, you will see some links over to the right of the logos. These are sub-categories. It further narrows your the choices to very specific sites; many of which I did not know existed.

Now that you have explored a little and you have a feel for how things work, it is time to add the sites you really want. Just above the block of 24 logos, click on customize. The only differences you will see on the screen are arrows in the top right corner of the individual logos and where it used to say customize, it now says Finished? click here.

To change the site logo, click on the arrow. This will open up a pop-up window will show an address bar and a list of popular sites. Type in the name of the site you wish to see and hit enter. A list of the most relevant results will display. Pick the one you want by clicking on the text.

If you do not find the site you are looking for, you can send them an email to have it added. Don’t worry, Make Tech Easier is on there. ;-) To make things a little more usable, you can drag and drop the logos into an order that makes the most sense for you. When you have everything just the way you want it, you can click Finished? click here. This will save everything. The last step is to make Kadaza your home page. It is not any different from adding iGoogle or Netvibes as your homepage. If you need help, click on the link just below the lock of 24 logos for instructions.

With all of the homepages out there, the final decision comes from how it fits your needs and browsing habits. I have mentioned before how for the start page for Portable Firefox, I like something very light weight and not a lot of graphics so it loads fast. On my other browsers I tend to use iGoogle or something similar. Even if you have something that works for you, it doesn’t hurt to know what else is out there; it may work even better. What needs do you have in your homepage?