Whether you’re looking for a standing desk for your tablet, laptop, or desktop computer, StandStand has you covered. In this review, though, we’re going to look at the most portable option available: the original StandStand. Note: the company’s name is StandStand, and the model name of the portable standing desk in this review is also StandStand.

What Is StandStand?

StandStand is a very clever portable and lightweight standing desk that was “designed from the ground up with the user in mind.” When not in use StandStand looks like random pieces of wood, but once put together, it’s a strong, stable, and elegant surface for using a laptop, tablet, or anything else you’d like – at a comfortable standing level. Not only is StandStand convenient, but it’s also ergonomic and sustainable. It’s made in the USA with sustainable birch and bamboo. Just as people come in different heights, so does StandStand. There are four different sizes to accommodate four height ranges:

The 9″ model is for those who are 5’5″ and under.The 12″ model is for those who are 5’5″ to 5’11”.The 14″ model is for those who are 5’11” to 6’2″.The 16″ model is for those who are 6’2″ and over.

If you want to see StandStand in use, the below video will show you how cool you’ll look in public with your handy portable standing desk!

What’s in the Box

StandStand comes in three pieces that are neatly held together by the four pegs (two on each side) on the center piece. There is also a green velcro piece wrapped around all three handles to ensure that it doesn’t come apart while in transit. You also get four extra “bumpons” (aka rubber feet) in case you lose one. They’re pretty small and come taped to the one-page instructional manual inside the box.

Putting It Together

StandStand is super-easy to put together and should take you no more than a minute. If it takes longer, then you’re overthinking it. In two steps it literally fits together like a puzzle. An illustration is also provided inside the box in case you are having a bit of trouble with it. (It’s OK, no judgment here.)

Step 1

The two smaller pieces interlock to make the base of the portable standing desk. You’ll need to unstack them, turn them on their side, and hold them so that the slots are facing away from you. You’ll notice that one of the pieces has a thinner edge (where the slots are) compared to the other. This thinner side goes into and then slides down (or up depending on how you’re holding them) to connect with the piece with the thicker edge. If this all seems confusing to you, StandStand has a short video showing you how it’s done.

Step 2

All that’s left is to sit the larger surface piece on top. As you can see in the picture above, there are two rectangular parts sticking up on top of the base. Likewise, the surface piece has two rectangular slots that fit snuggly with them. On the bottom of the base, you’ll also notice that there are four bumpons/rubber feet to keep the portable standing desk from sliding around on any surface. They really do make a world of a difference.

Personal Experience

I found that StandStand is just as great for at-home use as it is for away-from-home use. You can easily use this on a dining room table or even a desk (depending on the height). It’s not that great with counters, though, since those are going to make it too high for comfort. I am only 5’2″ so I received the 9″ model, and I must say, it’s the perfect height for me. I had no issue using StandStand on three different surface levels. I don’t have a working laptop, but I do have a tablet that I use regularly. The case I use has a built-in stand, and it works great on StandStand. However, if I wanted to connect a Bluetooth keyboard to it, there’s no room for that with my current case. This is the only downside I see; I’d have to switch out my case and use a smaller stand in order to use a keyboard with it.

Wrapping Things Up

StandStand doesn’t just come in this minimalist bamboo model either. If you want to be able to use a mouse with your laptop, there’s the “Mouse” and “Mouse de luxe” models. There’s even a “Grand” model that you can use on a desktop; there’s enough room for a monitor and full keyboard. As someone who works primarily on my computer, I try to stand as much as I can so I’m not just sitting all day long. StandStand makes it even easier to do that since I can move around the house with my tablet. Better yet, I can do so when I’m traveling or want to work away from home. If you want to do more standing in your life no matter where you are, StandStand is the perfect portable standing desk for the job. StandStand