After installing the application, just select the language you want to learn and it will load lessons for you. New lessons are only unlocked after you complete previous lessons. You get hearts after every lessons and you lose them if you don’t get the answers right. You have to start over with the lesson if you lose all your hearts.

When you open any lesson, it will show you words in the language you are trying to learn along with four different options. As you progress with the questions, it will also ask you to translate complete sentences from the English to your selected language. After completing different lessons, you can test out your skills as well by asking you to check your skills by translating sentences in English to the language you want to learn.

Duolingo is a fun, fast and free way to learn different languages without any extra charge. It makes learning foreign languages simple and interesting. The unlock system will keep you motivated to try again and again until you unlock all the lessons. if you are looking for a simple way to learn foreign languages, Duolingo is the one for you. Duolingo