What Is Discord Stage Channels?

If you use Clubhouse, then you will be pretty familiar with audio/voice-only social networking. Stage Channels is basically a voice-only channel that a user can create or join in their Community servers. Users can have voice-only interactions with a specific audience or interest-based communities that they are a part of. Since voice is the core feature of Discord, it only makes sense to provide its users a platform to seamlessly connect with the audience. Stage Channels could be used for holding voice interviews, podcasts, reading sessions, or even to have that fun karaoke session with your friends. The important thing to note here is that Discord Stage Channels are only available on community servers.

What Is a Community Server?

Community servers are a place that has a clear set of rules and guidelines, has a moderator to help users find a place to network, and is meant for healthy and positive conversations. Moreover, members are required to have a verified email to participate in the server. Notably, a community server caters to a specific community, which also comes with powerful tools and insights compared to a standard community. And since Stage Channels are only available for Community servers, we go through the steps here on how you can change your current server to a community server.

How to Enable Community Server on Discord

  1. If you already have a Discord server, then click on the name of your server located at the top-left corner, and from the drop-down menu, select “Server Settings.”
  2. In the Server Settings menu, click on the “Enable Community” option on the left pane.
  3. Press the “Get Started” button.
  4. Follow all the steps on the community server page setup and finally, click on “Finish Setup.”

How to Create Stage Channels on Discord

  1. After you set up a community server on Discord, you can go ahead and create Stage Channels on Discord.
  2. Click the “+” button in the voice channel section on the sidebar. Alternatively, you can also click on your Channel name and select the “Create a channel” option.
  3. A new “Create Stage Channel” window will open. Here you need to select “Stage Channel” as your channel type. Enter the name of your Discord Stage Channel and click on Next.
  4. Choose your channel’s stage moderators. They can add and remove other speakers in the session and can also open a stage channel.
  5. After everything is set, Discord will ask for the topic of discussion of your Stage Channel. You need to enter a relevant topic name and click on “Open the Stage” to begin.

How to Use Discord Stage Channels

  1. Whenever there is an active Discord Stage Channel, users can join it from the left sidebar. Note that by default, you will join as listeners, and your mic will be muted.
  2. If you are a listener and wish to speak, then you need to click the “Request to Speak” hand-raise button at the bottom of the Stage Channel screen.
  3. If you are Stage Moderator, then you will have the option to join the Stage Channels as a speaker or as an audience member.
  4. If you wish to leave the Stage Channel, then click the “Exit Quietly” button at the bottom of the interface.

Wrapping Up

Discord Stage Channels provide a new way of connecting with your friends and family members. Moreover, employers can also hold meetings on this audio-only interface to simplify online meetings. You can also share your screen on Discord server.