Our Opinion


Let’s tackle videos first and many writers’ favorite, the behemoth that is YouTube. Many people prefer it. Mahesh likes it for the simple reason that it has everything. Charnita and myself agree with him there. Charnita also prefers that because she subscribes to many of the people she watches regularly. I don’t like to go to many different sources, and if you’re going to go to just one, it has to be YouTube. Trevor and Derrik are both podcast-viewers, so they have their favorites for that genre. Trevor enjoys using Pocketcast for Android, while Derrik uses Podkicker Pro. In fact, he pulls podcasts out of iTunes with a bash script he wrote. Leave it to our writers to create something like that.


When it comes to music, we don’t really agree on a favorite source. This could be because we can’t even agree on streaming or downloading. Mahesh and I are the standouts. He uses Gaana because of the “thousands of music tracks ranging from hip-hop to rock.” I was a longtime iTunes user and used to say I probably funded a few wings on Steve Jobs’ home with the amount I used to download. But with the advent of Apple Music, I now stream it through that. It blends easily enough with my old iTunes, and there are very few things that aren’t available.

Your Opinion

As you can see, our experts here all have very distinctive choices when it comes to their music, but YouTube seems to still be the king when it comes to videos. How about you? What are your favorite sources for music and videos? Let us know in the comments below.